Altris made the journey from university to a world-leading battery company – thanks UIC and Swedish Scaleups
Altris is a world leader in the development of sustainable, safe, and cost-effective batteries. The company is now embarking on a rapid growth journey where […]
Local Entrepreneurs Developing Innovations
A new measurement system for fishing vessels, an AI fitness coach, a cloud solution for car workshops, a sustainable alternative to plastic, and at-home biomarker […]
Aurora Innovation Saves Time for Both Healthcare Providers and Patients
“Would you like to be contacted by healthcare as soon as an appointment is available?” If you’ve heard this or a similar message when calling […]
Granode has the recipe for more efficient and sustainable batteries
The demand for batteries is skyrocketing as more and more gasoline- and diesel-powered cars, buses, and trucks are to be replaced with electric vehicles. Electric […]
Next Generation Entrepreneurs Join Local Business Development Program
Groundbreaking AI for business documentation, a marketplace for equestrians, accessible geodata, and home blood test kits are among the business ideas accepted into UIC’s business […]
Ceramics giant invests in Swedish airborne water recovery from Drupps
Grupo Lamosa, one of the largest ceramics producers of the world, has purchased a system for recycling of airborne wastewater from Drupps to be installed […]
Heavy forestry reaches new hights – with drones
Tänk dig ett skogsbruk utan tunga maskiner som skadar skog och mark. Air Forestrys drönare svävar ovanför trädtopparna, väljer ut de träd som bör gallras […]
Stardots aims to improve the daily lives of people with Parkinson’s syndrome
As Parkinson’s syndrome progresses, it becomes increasingly challenging to dose medication that can slow down the progression of symptoms. Stardots in Uppsala is developing a […]
Hydromars creates possibilities for human life in space
Among the impossible things humans would like to do is travel to Mars and make it a second home. Twenty years ago people would have […]
Altris puts sustainability in focus for the next generation of batteries
Starts industrial production of sustainable cathode material The Uppsala company Altris, whose business concept is to enable next-generation batteries, has gone from strength to strength […]