Nordea Bank Abp, filial i Sverige

Nordea – We want to make a difference!

As the largest bank in the Nordic region and one of the largest in Europe, we strive to make a real difference – both for our 11 million customers and for the communities in which we operate.

Flexible, strong and customer-oriented – this is how we want you to see us as a customer.

By placing all your business with us in Uppsala, you get access to specialist expertise in various areas and a wide range of services. Together with us, you can choose solutions that suit your company: basic packages with banking services, financing solutions, business in foreign countries, insurance and pensions can be mentioned as examples.

Our goal in collaborating with UIC is that we, as a financial partner, will create added value for you and contribute to strengthening your competitiveness. We offer a global presence with local expertise.

At Nordea, we always strive to create positive customer experiences and make it possible for you to fulfill your goals and dreams.

  • Contributing to a sustainable society is important to us at Nordea and we are proud of our investment in Green Business Loans, for those of you who make investments that promote climate-resistant growth.
  • We are a full-service bank.
  • We are the third largest company in the Nordic region and among the ten largest financial groups in Europe, in terms of market value.
  • We are present in 17 countries, and our home markets are the four Nordic countries Denmark, Finland, Norway and Sweden.
  • Our ambition is to constantly develop, with new services and digitalization with a sustainability perspective.

The Nordea share is traded on the stock exchanges in Stockholm, Helsinki and Copenhagen.

Call us and we will share our knowledge and experience – we look forward to hearing from you.

Welcome to Nordea!

Special offer for UIC entrepreneurs

Bank certificate on establishment or share issue

When you start a limited company or buy an already formed limited company (so-called stock company), you need a certificate from the bank showing that the share capital has been paid into an account.

When the company carries out a new share issue or issues convertibles, a bank certificate is also required.

For participants in UIC Business Startup, Build and Catalyzer, a certificate is offered completely free of charge (maximum two certificates / year, regular price is SEK 625 / each).

Contact person and Company package

Our Business Package is a complete solution with our best services for your daily banking transactions. All the following are included in the Business Package:

  • Bank account with PlusGiro number – provides efficient payments.
  • Bank giro number – gives your customers freedom of choice.
  • Internet banking Company – for banking when and from where you want.
  • Mobilbanken Företag – the app that makes you truly mobile.
  • File import (used to transfer files with payments from the company’s financial system to the Companies Internet Bank where they are then paid).
  • Electronic bank statements – bank statements via the Internet.
  • Commitment specification via the Companies Internet Bank. (An additional service with a detailed list of the company’s connections with the bank. It is used, among other things, in connection with the annual accounts.)
  • MasterCard business card – bank card for payments and cash withdrawals
  • Business Gold – debit card with up to 55 days interest-free credit.
  • Personal service by phone – so you can easily get help from us at the bank.
  • Newsletter via e-mail with tips, chronicles and news.
  • The business package can be combined with several additional services, including Swish Companies, UC credit information and Nordea Accounting for web-based accounting and payroll management.

As a participant in UIC Business Startup, Build, Catalyzer and Accelerator, the Business Package is offered completely free of charge (regular price is SEK 1,100 / year).

Specialist advice

  • Do you want efficient and easy handling of payments?
  • Do you have operations, customers or suppliers abroad?
  • Do you have excess liquidity during certain periods?
  • Have you reviewed pension agreements and insurance for both the individual and the company?
  • Do you pay enough attention to your own finances?
  • Are you planning an expansion, purchase of machinery or other investments?

We can help you with these and other questions. We make it easy for you to take a holistic approach to financial issues.

As a participant in UIC Business Startup, Build, Catalyzer and Accelerator, active advice is offered covering a total of six hours completely free of charge (regular price SEK 750 – 2,000 / hour).


When starting or expanding the business, we can find an attractive financing solution together for owners and companies.

As a participant in UIC Business Startup, Build, Catalyzer and Accelerator, a discounted loan is offered to the owners (after an approved credit check) to be used as a contribution to the business as well as a discount on the set-up fee for account credit.

(Kontokredit’s regular set-up fee is 0.3% of the amount granted, at least SEK 1,000. The value of the discount amounts to a maximum of SEK 1,500.)

Nordea’s travel scholarship

We want to be able to make it possible for tomorrow’s growth companies to make important contacts internationally. As a partner of UIC, we can, through Nordea’s travel scholarship, provide exciting companies with a supplement that makes it possible to carry out a critical business trip. The scholarships are awarded annually to two UIC companies, where the scholarship will benefit the company’s development and growth. The scholarship will be announced in November.

Nordea Bank Abp, filial i Sverige

Bolandsgatan 15 G 1 tr


Johan Cederholm

010 – 156 74 58

Per Svensson

070 – 692 11 01